Saturday, April 23, 2011

Together We are Giant...

Yes, by the title of this blog, you might be thinking I am talking about how Easton and I look right now.. because yes we look Giant and well quite huge. However, I am talking about the Orange and Black you see all around San Fran and that is our Good Ole Giants. Last night Drake and I headed up to AT&T Park for a Giants game. This has been on my list of things to do since I moved here, so I am happy I can check it off. It was even more fun however since the Giants are the World Champions because there was all kinds of spirit and different replicas of the trophy and the rings all around. It was fun to see a new stadium, and I don' think one could complain about the view. I love seeing the water just outside the ballpark.

Can everyone please note that I am wearing a scarf and heavy jacket in this picture, that is because it is still cold in this stupid state.. I just want to wear a tube top for a whole day and feel sun rays on my shoulders.. is that to much to ask California..
 We had a great time and enjoyed the night out, we only have three weekends with out a little guy around, so we are trying to do as much as possible.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Sneak Peek of Maternity Pictures...

Last Sunday Drake and I went down to Downtown Palo Alto and Stanford to take Maternity Pictures. It was a beautiful day out and we had a great time. Chloe even got to come join in on the fun as well.

We have a wonderful photographer, who I just love. She has amazing work and will be doing Easton's new born pictures as well. I can't wait for him to be here so she can photograph him! Here is a link to our photographer's blog where she has some sneak peeks of our session last Sunday.

I hope you enjoy them as much as we do. 1 more month till Mr. Easton arrives.. I mean who is counting! :)

Tuesday, April 5, 2011


I found this wonderful little piece when doing my devotional and thought it was to neat not to share! I hope everyone has a blessed day!

Almighty Creator f the Universe
Beloved Father, Mother, God
Create in me a clean heart this day
Deliver me from the limitations of the go
Exalt your presence in my mind
Forgive all that I have held against you, myself and others
Grant me peace this day
Hold me steadfastly within the boundaries of your truth
Inspire my heart to know you, my ears to hear you and my eyes to recognize you
Justify me in the presence of all enemies
Knead my heart with words of kindness
Let no harm befall me or my loved ones
May all I do this day glorify you.
Nourish me with your wisdom
Open my eyes to know your truth
Purge my heart of all things that are offensive to your law
Quiet my soul in the midst of confusion
Renew my connection to you
Save me from my secret fears
Teach me to trust you at all times
Use all that you have given me to serve you
Victory for your cause is my desire
Walk with me so that my strength will never be diminished.
Xamine my heart continually
Your love and grace are my good fortune
Zealously I commit myself to your will for my life

Until today we all might not have been aware of the power of knowing the alphabet. Today devote yourself to relearning the entire alphabet of life!