Sunday, March 23, 2014

Last week....

So last week was my kind of a long week! It was one of those weeks where you don't have a lot going on and the weather is still cold ( all you California's please don't say I told you so.. I know I never appreciated the perfect weather in California)!

So to take up a day I decided to go to the Picture People in the mall to get the boys pictures taken. They had been bugging me by sending my flyers in the mail literally every week for their Once in a Lifetime special of $18 for a session, even though I had 6 flyers saying the same thing for each week! :)

So I went and I was pleasantly surprised by my pictures that I got, and for $18! You guys know I am a bargain shopper, so I have to share when I find deals, and well these pictures are always this price! ;) .. side note they did get me for an extra $30 but still $50 total for some pictures is not bad, at least that is what I told Drake!

So here are my pictures..

I was most happy to get the last picture, I didn't have any of the boys in the same picture actually looking and smiling! :)

Then came Wednesday and Friday! :(

So I picked Easton up from school on Wednesday and the teacher told me that he had been running off when they were walking to music class and lunch. He also decided to top off his day with throwing a bike at his teacher.. yes you read that right!! So embarrassing..

So we go home, and Easton is sent straight to his room and is not aloud to watch TV or play with his IPAD for the reminder of the day! He also had to write ( make with stickers) a "I'm sorry"card.

So Friday, I think surely he got the point, that is is not acceptable behavior. I go to pick him up, and I could just tell by the look on the teachers face, that Easton in fact did not get the point. She said it had been a really rough day with him, and that the director had written me a note and it was in his bag. I really wanted to cry at that moment, I am not that parent of "THAT KID". You know the kid that the teacher has to be nice to but really wants to strangle..

So Easton has had no TV, no IPAD and no treats all weekend. He keeps asking to go back to school, because we told him he could not have anything back until he had a good day at school and he listened to Mrs.Jessica! So he wants to go back to school, so he can try to be good!

Wish us luck tomorrow and in all seriousness please say a pray that we can get this boy under control! :)

Have a great week everyone!

Monday, March 17, 2014

2/3's the way to a 1 year old...

Now that is crazy sounding.. how is McCoy 8 months!

McCoy is all over the place and one happy little dude! Since he is all over the place, this all the time I have, since he is currently assisting me with this post by pounding on my keyboard and eating the paper sitting next to me!

Here some pictures for you:

Sunday, March 16, 2014

The Biltmore...

This past weekend my Mom took my sister and I too the Biltmore for a mother/daughter trip! It was the perfect birthday present and I had such a great time not only seeing the amazing Biltmore Estate but getting to spend time with my mom and sister!

The Biltmore was a place I have been wanting to go to, and now that I live just 3 hours from it, we decided to make a trip up there. My mom and sister came in on Wednesday and spent some time with the boys and then we drove up to the Biltmore for the weekend! My mom's birthday was the day they arrived, so it was fun to have the boys be with her on her birthday!

I loved North Carolina, it was beautiful! I think I could move there. I wanted to move to Charleston when I got there too, so I am thinking I actually like laid back cities rather than busy big cities!

Here are some pictures from the weekend!

Easton wanted to assist with blowing out the candles.. too bad I accidentally bought the trick candles!  

We went to the Children's museum too!  

Has to play with trains... because he can't do that home or anything! 


Going through the winery to our wine tasting! 

Wine tasting time! 

The view at the Grove Park Inn, the prettiest hotel! 

More wine! 

Champagne Tasting Time! 

Learned how Champagne was made! 

More Drinking! 

We got to sample all of these! 

We have no had to much to drink! :) 

Saturday at the park when we were back home! 

Sweet Easton! 

Love the Swings! 

Hope everyone had a great weekend!

Thursday, March 13, 2014


Well Everyone 30 has come..

and the results are in..

I got a B..or 83%

on my bucket list..

I didn't do five of them....

However, I loved every minute of trying to do all of these. It was a lot of fun, and challenging at the same time!

1) Go one week with out getting on facebook
2) Go one week with out eating dessert
3) Sponsor a child and write to him/her every month
4) Make a batch of cookies from scratch
5) Read the Scarlett Letter again
6) Pass out a homeless bag once a month for 6 months
7) Try Caviar
8) Learn Photoshop ( or at least create something I am proud of and would use)
9) Visit Chicago
10) Sew my own pillow
11) Eat at Hula Hut ( Austin TX)
12) Go to a History Museum
13) Visit San Deigo
14) Ski in Tahoe
15) Memorize a bible verse
16) Take a yoga class at my gym
17) Stomp Grapes in Napa ( or anywhere)
18) Watch shark week
19) Cook a turkey for a holiday fest
20) Make my own jam
21) Watch the original cutting edge over again
22) Go on a sail boat
23) Get in the water in Tahoe
24) Eat at Gary Danko ( in the city)
25) Eat Organic for a month
26) Join a wine club
27) Sew a button on to a pair of pants ( one that will stay on)
28) Read the 2nd two books of the Hunger Games Series
29) Get a mud bath at the spa
30) Run in a 10K

I was never a B students, so I not 100% pleased with this.. but it's not terrible either.. I think I am going to make another one for 40, but really put some thought into the things, and I better get a 100% if I have 10 years to complete it!

Monday, March 10, 2014

My Big Boy...

I have been holding off on posting about this since I didn't want to jinx myself.. but a month ago we got our second ice storm, and after the first one, I knew I needed something to do at the house and something to feel accomplished at the end of our 5 days stuck inside! Once the storm hit, I think figured out we would be out of school for  8 days.. SHOOT ME! :)

So I decided the time has come.. Easton is going to get potty trained. So that is what we did over the ice days, and it was nice, because I couldn't leave so it made it much easier to just focus on his potty stuff rather than trying to run just one errand and him have accidents.

He has done really good, I am not hear to say that he does not have an accident every now and then, and we are still 100% reminding him that he needs to go, like when he wakes up, before we go places etc.. but for the most part he does pretty good!

He is pretty cute, he started this thing with my mom when she was here watching him and after he goes potty in the potty he looks up at you and says " I make your heart happy"... ahh melt me.. so cute.. because Yes, it does make my heart happy that we have no more diapers! :) He has not worn one since the day we started about a month ago, minus his pull up for night time.

This might be the first thing in parenting that I have dreaded the most, had no clue what to do and felt the biggest weight lifted off my shoulders once it was done! :)


Sunday, March 9, 2014

A perfect little Saturday...

I had a perfect little Saturday with my family! I spent my 30th birthday with my boys at the Aquarium. I had heard so many wonderful things about the Aquarium here, so we decided to go check it out. It was a really good Aquarium, my favorite was the beluga whale and the octopus. :)

It is happened to be one of the most beautiful days we have had yet, so everyone was out and about in Centennial Park so we let Easton play on the play ground.

On the way home we stopped at Varsity's.. which for those not from Atlanta, is a famous hotdog/hamburger fast food joint. It was really good, but in sane how many people were there, it was 3 pm and it was packed.. to the point that people parked across the street and were getting rides over in a golf cart!

It was so nice to spend the whole day with my family, and it was nice to knock two things off my "Atlanta Bucket list"! :)

Friday, March 7, 2014

Girls Trip 2014...

Last week a group of my college girlfriends and I headed to Mexico! It was so amazing, and one of the best trips I have ever taken. Mainly because I did ZERO of the planning, I literally sent checks when I was suppose to and then jumped on a plane and really didn't even know where I was going! :) I mean I knew it was Mexico, but all the details were taken care of for me, and well it was just so nice!

I got to the airport and had that feeling of " Oh my gosh I left something" the whole time.. I think it was just because I only had a half empty purse with me and not a ton of kid crap! The trip almost started off on a bad note, when I got a phone call the day before I was suppose to leave that my flight had been canceled.. I of course had a small panic attack  at first, but was lucky enough to get on a late flight that night so that I could meet up with the girls in the morning. In the end it worked out even better!

The rest of the trip is really boring to write about because all we did was:

wake up to a fully cooked meal by Rosie
make our way to the pool/beach
lay out all day
come up to our own pool at dinner time
finally make dinner
shower but never dry our hair or put on make up
Stay up late

REPEAT all 5 days! :) It was Wonderful!

It was wonderful... here are some pictures of the beautiful house we stayed at!


Till Next Trip...