Sunday, September 4, 2011

What in the world has E been up too..

Well my little guy is quite the busy bee..

We joined a play group, and Easton has been attending Play groups dates all week!It goes with out being said, he can't really play, but he can certainly lay on his belly and stare at others. His people watching skills are top notch! :) On our way home from his first play date, I looked back and this is what I saw..

I am going to call this play date a sucess!! :)

Easton also went to Baby Story time at the Los Gatos Library, and he actually watched the lady read and make her animated movements.. I know he has no idea what she is saying, but once again, I looked back after the play date in the car, and what do you know!! He was passed out!

This is Easton listening to story time.

Then he passed out! :)

Then Thursday, we went to Music with Friends! I know he can't sing or dance but I know he is trying to figure out what all the crazy people are doing, because he gets locked on the leader and just stares. He hears the beat and smiles..Hopefully he will be able to do the hand movements sooner rather than later.. This followed about 2 mins after music class...

You get the theme, Play dates wear him out! :) Love me some nap time!

Easton is continuing to amaze me daily, I love watching him learn the simplest things that we forget we never knew how to do.. His newest things:
- Trying to roll over from his back to his belly, he has his belly to his back down, but is working so hard to do it the other way, and it is quite funny to see him excert so much energy on such a "simple" task
- Talking to himself, well you know funny noises and a new scream that really has to go.. he just thinks it's so funny
- I have figured out how to get him to hold his own bottle, I do prop it up and place his hands up there ,but he doesn't move them so I let him hold it while I finish up things around the house at times! ( I love this.. but it only last for about 5 mins)
- He also is a professional skyper with my parents!
- He is not needing Mr. Giraffe so much, I think Mr. Giraffe feels like the kids on toy story, he has to be so sad!
- Easton loves Estein Videos and anything that lights up!
- Smiling and laughing are Easton's speciality right now,  you can make him laugh or smile by doing just about anything

So after such a busy week, Easton is taking a nice little relaxing holiday weekend and just being lazy..

Where is my "milk" and " book"! :)

This is what we have been up too, I am loving every minute with my little guy and we hope you have a nice relaxing Labor day as well!!

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