Saturday, November 15, 2014

A Playdate with a Purspose..

Last week, I hosted a little playdate with a purpose at my house! I decided that with the upcoming holidays that my boys needed to start learning about giving back during this time of the year!

Trying to explain to a 3 year old that some kids have no toys, and they don't get to do all the chirstmas activites that he gets to do, is very hard! So I am hoping that this playdate would help me! :)

So a bunch of Easton's buddies came over and they all filled boxes that will be shipped off to kiddos that have nothing! We can even follow our boxes online, so I can show Easton where his box went! It was pretty cute, and the boys actually really got into it, it was sweet!

Here are some pictures!

We sure hope that all the kiddos remember a little bit about giving from this, not one of them tried to take any of the toys that they put in the boxes! I was so proud of all of them!

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