Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Oh Happy Day...

So all day, I have been just as joyful as can be, smiling from ear to ear and just simply happy! So I thought I would share with you all the things that are making me happy, well I guess just some of the things, since we could be here all day if I listed each thing. :)

Fall is my favorite time of year, and just makes me happy!

These beautiful flowers are growing like crazy in our front yard, they are so pretty and the best part of the flowers, is that I have had to do absolutely nothing to make them this pretty! Which is probably why they are actually growing. In Texas, these would not exist in my yard, but currently there are least 100 of them blooming!!

This is my new jacket I bought today, and not only do I love the jacket, but I love that I got a steal on it. I felt like running out to the car as quick as I could before they realized how cheap the sold the jacket to me! What a great feeling and such a fun color!!

Ahh, my luggage, who would have thought luggage would make me smile!When I got it down today to start packing, I just got so excited about going home!!I get to see all my friends and family tomorrow!! ( Lets not forget to state the obvious here, the happy day is coming from the fact that I finally made it to my trip home, which has been on a count down since the last time I got my luggage out to move out here! )

This is Chloe's new steps to get through the doggy door! This makes Drake and I both happy, since we no longer have to get up and take Chloe out in the middle of the night, or listen to her cry! Gosh that is really a pain, I really hope I never have to encounter crying in the middle of the night again, good things babies don't do that! :)


Ok, this is actually where California once again tried to ruin my day!! Today was the day that I decided to take all my water bottles and cans to the recycles center to cash in for all my money California has been taking from me when I purchase my water! Well take a look, actually you might want to get your calculator out, above is what I got back today!! That is right.. a whole $3.09, I mean really after all my efforts to help stay green, this is all I get back!! The lady at the Safeway lied to me, you don't get ALL your money back!! I am debt now since I spent money to buy containers to keep the bottles separate!! On top of just getting about 3 dollars back, they should at least pay me an extra 5 dollars to walk back into that place, it smelled so so so bad!

Even though California tried to ruin my day, I didn't let it get me down, I am going to take my money and go get some pumpkin ice cream at baskin robbins! I believe I deserve a treat after all my hard work!!

Happy October everyone!!!

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